Common Ways Storage Facilities Lose Social Media Followers

If your storage facility’s social media accounts are seeing large amounts of followers unfollowing, unliking, or removing a +1 from your pages, you might be pushing people away. Here are four of the most common ways to lose social media followers.

You Never Respond to Criticism

If your facility receives criticism, whether earned or unwarranted, don’t let it sit. Take action, and find a way to help alleviate the problem. You’re better off admitting to a mistake or fixing an unknown issue than just leaving an issue to stew, as doing that could create an even bigger headache.

You Only Talk about Your Facility

While your customers may enjoying hearing about what you’re doing at your storage facility, they want to hear about what’s going on elsewhere, too. Every so often, it’s a good idea to retweet or share a post from another facility or share news about the industry. Things like that will go a long way in showing that you’re not just trying to make sales.


Social media users don’t like following people or businesses that don’t know how to use the medium. On Twitter, for example, people often use hashtags. But not obnoxiously long hashtags like the one we used in the header above. Do that, and you can kiss your followers goodbye.

You Offend People

The biggest advantage (as well as the biggest problem) with social media is that things change in an instant. If you posted something that offended someone, it can quickly turn into a PR nightmare. Remember to think twice before you tweet or post anything. You’ll end up saving yourself a lot of trouble.