Why Your Mini Storage Website’s SEO is Suffering

If your mini storage website is suffering from a low SEO ranking, it could be any number of issues, some of which are out of your control. However, there are some things in your control that you can fix to improve your storage facility’s website and regain some online traction.

Post New Content Regularly

A major thing that search engines and site visitors like to see is new content. If your site’s blog or service pages have outdated information, your site won’t stack up against your competitors who have newer content. Try posting at least once or twice a month on your blog (or more, if you can), and update your pages every few months.

Get Rid of Duplicate Content

If your site has multiple pages or posts with the same content or metadata (i.e., page titles, meta descriptions), search engines can’t tell the difference between the pages or posts and won’t show any of them in search results. This is easily fixed by finding which pages or posts have duplicate content and metadata and rewriting them to be unique.

Stop Creating Low-Quality Content

Keyword-stuffing, short posts, grammatical errors—all of these issues tell search engines and site visitors that your website content is of low quality. To create high-quality content, focus on one or two keywords and use them naturally throughout your writing; create posts that are over at least 300 words; and double-check your content for errors that may make your content seem careless.

Improve Site Speed

A major factor in determining search engine has to do with how quickly pages on your website load. If you’re waiting longer than a few seconds, your site as a whole can suffer, not just one individual page. Search engines and site visitors alike want to be able to get from page to page quickly. If they can’t, your site is less valuable.

Optimize Pages

Going back to duplicate content and the importance of unique metadata, having no metadata at all is much worse for SEO than having duplicate metadata. Many mini storage websites leave meta information completely empty when creating pages, making it difficult for pages to show up in search results. Go back through each page and add metadata.

While not an overnight cure, these simple fixes will help begin the process of regaining ground in the never-ending SEO battle. Always keep an eye on your mini storage website to make sure that you aren’t falling behind the SEO curve, and you’ll begin to see more value being given to your site by both search engines and site visitors.