Organic or Paid Search: Which One Is Better For Storage Websites?

Over the last few years, Google has made it abundantly clear that being found in the top spot on the first page of search results is something that no one will ever find the formula for. That being said, there are two ways to help your storage website get to the first page of Google search results:  organic and paid search.

To take advantage of both and see if one is better than the other for you, here’s what you need to know…

Organic Search

All of Google’s algorithm updates—from Panda and Penguin to Hummingbird—have changed the way websites are shown in search engine results. That’s because each update has moved away from rewarding websites that use the “old way” of ranking, which usually consisted of black-hat search engine optimization (SEO) techniques like keyword stuffing and buying and selling links.

Now, Google focuses on finding the websites that offer the best user experience for searchers. So in order to show up at the top of search queries organically today, your website must have an appealing web design, good site structure, quality backlinks, and relevant content that’s posted regularly. If your storage website is doing all of these things, you’re on the right track to ranking well organically for self storage search queries.

Paid Search

Unlike organic search, paid search (sometimes called pay-per-click or PPC) is constant. It’s always at the top of a search engine results page because websites pay for placement in those spots.

Many storage websites have moved toward paid search advertising to target specific search queries. While this method does makes it easier for storage websites to connect with potential consumers, it can get expensive, especially if your competitors are bidding on the same keywords you are.

There’s a slight way around these issues, of course, and that’s by bidding on long-tail keywords. When you get away from generic keywords, you’ll find your paid options are less expensive and easier to nab.

Which One?

While there are storage websites and businesses in other industries that have been able to make it onto the first page with just organic or paid search alone, it’s not a good idea to place all of your eggs in one basket. That’s why we suggest that you do what you can to improve your website for organic SEO and then supplement those efforts with paid search. By spreading the wealth, so to speak, you can reach more customers more effectively. That is the end goal of storage websites after all, isn’t it?