Dual Purpose Furniture Ideas for Small Spaces

Last Updated on March 10, 2023

You love your new apartment; it’s cute and cozy, perfect for one.

But, how do you decorate it? Many small apartments are fantastic, except for the whole lack of extra storage thing.

Don’t get turned off by a lack of storage, instead be smart about it. There are plenty of ways to create incredible amounts of storage space for an apartment of any size.

One of the best ways to do this is to consider dual purpose furniture. Many companies now make pieces that are not only functional, but they also provide extra storage space tucked away in a cool design.

Types of Dual Purpose Furniture:

  • The Ottoman

One of the best, and most common used, dual purpose furniture is the ottoman. An ottoman is a small apartment dwellers best friend because it has so many uses. Make sure to look for one that has storage capability; many now have a top that opens revealing a nice deep storage space underneath.

Use this storage space for extra pillows and blankets for guests, your extra socks, or your comic book collection; it doesn’t matter because everything is neatly hidden away!

The best part is, an ottoman can be used for additional seating, for putting your feet up after a long day, even for a coffee table, if you put a piece of wood or cut glass over it.

  • The Day Bed

A day bed is another really perfect piece of furniture to have for a small apartment. This serves the ultimate dual purpose, especially for those who live in a studio; it can be both a bed and a couch.

Essentially a day bed is designed to be pushed against a wall and provides a bit more structure around the edges as compared to a traditional bed. Many day beds also offer additional pillows to be used when in couch mode versus sleeping mode.

If you are considering a day bed, keep an eye out for one that offers storage space, some will have either built in drawers or shelving in the base.

  • The TV Stand

In a small apartment height is your friend, if you can’t go out, always go up. This is a perfect example for a TV stand. Rather than getting something small that just fits the TV, look for stands that feature more as entertainment centers with shelving.

If you can get a stand that has height and width and not a lot of depth, this is the perfect place to store books, magazines, picture frames and other decorative items that will give your apartment some warmth.

Also consider purchasing some simple woven or wicker baskets and slide those into the shelving areas as well, giving you a bit more coverage and privacy.

  • The Butcher Block

For a small kitchen with limited counter and eating space, the butcher block is where it’s at. In this one piece of furniture you get additional storage (most have at least one drawer or shelf at the bottom), additional counter space and even a kitchen table.

Many people will keep their butcher block clear to do all their prep work on it, having an easy space to cut veggies, dry the dishes and prepare coffee. Others might use a butcher block to hold something else, for example a microwave, or to neatly stack those pots and pans that don’t fit in the cupboards.

Still a butcher block can be used as a place to eat. Hide a few folding chairs or stools in a closet or under your bed and if company comes over a little dining spot is ready to go.

Get Creative

One of the best things about having your own space is that you can use your creativity to the hilt. If you can’t find a dual purpose piece of furniture that fits your needs, then head out to your local big box store and get your DIY on.

A simple search online will produce literally thousands of projects for creative solutions to space issues, and don’t forget to check back in with the blog here to find out more great tips on how to tap your creativity for storage nirvana.

Liz Froment

Bio:  Liz Froment is a guest writer for storage.com. When she’s not traveling or crafting DIY projects, you can find her blogging at Two Weeks to Travel or tweeting away.