What Quality Links Do For Your Storage Website

In order to be found by search engines like Google, storage facility websites have a lot of work to do. Search engine optimization, content marketing, web design—all of these work together to improve search engine visibility. But there’s one thing that gives storage websites a bigger boost: quality links.

When search engines see quality links to your website from credible or more influential websites, your website’s search engine rank will improve. That’s because a trustworthy source has deemed your website equally as trustworthy.

For example: If an auto parts retailer’s website links to your storage website’s page about vehicle storage in their blog post about preparing a vehicle for storage, this is a good link. If the link came from a website that sells cooking utensils, that’s not a “quality” link since there’s no connection between the subjects.

Here are some tips for determining which links are of good quality and how to gain them.

Not All Links Are Created Equal

Since the Internet has millions upon millions of registered websites, there are bound to be a few “bad eggs” out there. Sites that are viewed as spam or that offer you “the best link-building system” shouldn’t be trusted. These are most often link schemes.

Practices like purchasing and trading links or asking users to post your link around the web will result in penalties, which can remove any ranking you may have earned and make it almost impossible to be found in search engine results.

This is why you should always monitor where links to your website come from. Many websites, especially those using WordPress, will show you where backlinks are coming from. If they’re not trustworthy, disavow them. If these links continue to pop up around the Internet, report suspicious websites to search engines.

Gain Backlinks Effectively

The easiest way to gain quality links is through the natural backlinking process, which involves relevant websites taking what you’ve created and sharing it on their websites because they think it’s interesting or informative. This creates a direct connection to you and shows search engines that what you’re doing is beneficial to the industry.

We’d love to tell you that getting quality links is a quick process, but sadly it isn’t. It will take time and a little bit of effort. Keep creating good content that people would be interested in, and the links are sure to follow.