What Web Hosting Option Best Suits Your Self Storage Facility?

Not all self storage facilities have the same needs for their websites. This is especially true when it comes to web hosting. Facilities just getting started with an online presence typically don’t need a web host that can support high traffic. Those with more established websites, however, need a web host that can support hundreds of simultaneous site visitors and transactional portals for online reservations.

To ensure that your website, whether small or large, is getting the help it needs, you need to understand what kind of web hosting you will need.

Small Websites: Shared Hosting

One of the more common hosting options available today is shared hosting. The “shared” aspect of shared hosting means that your website will be hosted on the same server as many other websites. Being on the same server as other websites has a few advantages. It’s inexpensive and works well for small websites. Beyond that, though, shared hosting can create more problems than solutions for your website.

The first problem you may encounter is that there’s little room for growth. You’ll only be allowed a certain amount of online storage, meaning the number of webpages and the content within them has to be kept at a minimum. Otherwise, you’d encounter additional charges on your hosting account or speed issues on your website.

Another downside to shared hosting comes in the form of potential security problems. If your website or another on the server experiences a security breach, all other websites hosted on that server are at risk.

Medium to Large Websites: Dedicated and Cloud Hosting

With dedicated web hosting, your storage facility’s website will be stored on a physical web server (similar to shared hosting), but your website will be the only one on the server. This hosting option allows your website to grow, which is especially helpful for a facility that’s starting out online but wants to expand their presence.

A relatively new option that storage facilities should look into is cloud hosting. By hosting through the “cloud”—which is like hosting your website in an online environment and allowing it to utilize space where available—the hosting environment where your website lives can adapt depending on what you need. In other words, your website will not be stored in one location with a specific storage size like you’d see with shared or dedicated hosting. Instead, it uses multiple locations in order to get the best performance possible for your website.

Unfortunately, both dedicated and cloud hosting may require your facility to employ an individual or a company to oversee your website and its hosting. Additionally, both options could end up costing more. If there are options available to only have the storage space you need, don’t hesitate to start small and work from there.

Web hosting is a necessary component of having a website and often overlooked in the process of developing and designing a website. Be aware of the options available to you and prepare for any changes that may occur.