By Vince Mancuso,
No matter where you live in the country, the great outdoors can always offer an escape. From surfing in California to camping in Maine, people will enjoy outdoor recreation. And while the equipment may be different, there’s no denying that storing outdoor gear can take up space at your house or apartment.
Don’t let your beloved sporting goods rob you of room at home. Instead, store your outdoor gear in a storage unit. Self storage provides you with convenience of more square footage at home, security for your items, and is a cheaper alternative than relocating into a larger living space.
Storage units come in a wide range of sizes, from 3×5 mini storage units to 20×20 warehouse units. And while it’s unlikely your sporting goods will fill 400 square feet, it’s safe to say self storage can provide as much room as you need.
For those storing a relatively small collection of camping gear—a tent, backpack, sleeping bags, and other odds and ends—will fit nicely in a 3×5 or 5×5 storage unit. Larger recreational gear such as surfboards, kayaks, canoes, or even fishing boats can take advantage of storage units ranging from 5×10 to 10×15.
When using larger storage units for larger pieces of equipment, you may want to consider finding a storage facility that offers drive-up access. This storage feature gives you the benefit of parking your vehicle directly at the storage unit to quickly and easily grab your gear and set out for your next adventure.
Storage facilities can offer a number of security features to keep your more expensive outdoor equipment safe from vandalism or theft. The most basic of security features includes electronic gate access, which means you receive a personalized code to enter on a key pad to get entry to the storage facility, as well as 24-hour video surveillance. Although commonly used, don’t underestimate the value of basic security when it comes to protecting your items.
However, if you’re storing expensive recreational gear such as mountain climbing equipment, high-end tents, or mountain bikes, consider advanced security features such as individually-alarmed units and on-site management. With both a set alarm for your personal storage unit as well as a live, human presence at the facility, it offers great security for your prized possessions.
If you live in a region of the United States that sees extreme seasonal weather and are storing recreational gear with weather-sensitive materials such as wood, fabric, and even some metals, it is highly recommended you find a storage unit with climate control. This feature will maintain a moderate temperature and humidity level within your storage unit to prevent weather-related damage over the course of the year.
For instance, if you are storing your bicycle in a part of the country that has snowy winters or very wet autumn and spring seasons, a climate-controlled storage unit will protect your bicycle’s chain, cables, and other non-aluminum components from rusting due to the presence of water in the snow or rain. Metal parts left exposed will rust and corrode, ultimately weakening your bicycle and racking up high repair costs.
Other items to place in climate-controlled storage are surf boards, which can deacclimate in high temperatures, fabrics in sleeping bags that can hold moisture and promote mildew growth, or kayaks that can get damaged, warped, or discolored in high heat.
Two things to consider when storing your recreational equipment is where you’ll want to pick up and what time you’ll need it. It is recommended you use a storage facility nearby for items you’ll use often, such as bicycles or even lawn games. With nearby self storage, you can get access to your gear quickly when you need it. However, with items such as kayaks, boats, or golf clubs, you can also consider a storage facility near your area of recreation for convenient pick-up to and from where you’re going.
As for when, consider finding a storage facility with either 24-hour access or extended access hours to the storage property. With longer access hours, you can get to your equipment when you want it, so you won’t have to wait to hit the lake for fishing at sunrise or be stuck with more gear at home when your hike goes longer than planned.
Self storage provides you an easy way to keep doing the recreational activities you love without the cost of space at home. By using a storage unit, you can store all your gear in a safe location that fits your needs.
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