Facility Operation

Which Social Media Sites Should Your Storage Facility Use?

For the storage industry to keep up with today's instant connections, operators and managers need to get their facilities on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn.

How Google Algorithm Changes Affect Your Self Storage Website

For many website owners and operators, it's apparent that Google plays a large role in what they do and how they do it. With the release of Panda 4.0, Google now wants to make sure that the content you're producing is high-quality and unique. While this may sound alarming, the reason for the update was that many websites out there were creating spam content that had begun to make its way up the search engine rankings.

Video: 3 Simple Ways for Self Storage Operators to Boost Visibility

When the busy spring and summer seasons arrive, storage operators have to make the most of it. Having high visibility and making use of local listing directories is an essential part of driving business. Nick Bilava explains three online marketing techniques that are simple and effective.

Digital Marketing for Niche Self Storage Consumers

Over the course of the past decade, storage facilities have been growing a very large market for themselves. This growth, stemming in part to...

Has Your Self Storage Website Received a Manual Penalty?

In many bad situations, you often hear “make lemonade out of lemons.” Luckily, the same goes for life on the Internet. One wrong turn...

Is Integrated Digital Marketing a Good Strategy for Your Storage Facility?

Storage facilities today can fall on two sides of the spectrum. Either they'll have a large amount of resources to put toward a high-quality...

Why Is Your Storage Facility Using Social Media?

So you're looking into social media because you've seen larger storage operations using it to boost their digital marketing efforts. That's great! Social media can be a powerful marketing tool when used effectively. But that's the key—using it effectively.

Are Local Listings Hurting Your Storage Facility?

With many people using local listings to find businesses in their area today, it's important to make sure your storage facility's listings are accurate....

Video: The Storage.com Pay Per Move-in Model

Through Storage.com, storage operators have the ability to market their facility online, while only paying when they receive a rental from customers.

Protect Your Storage Facility’s Online Reputation

Your online reputation is, for better or worse, the reason your storage facility generates business on the Internet. One bad review from a customer that...